Rio de Janeiro inaugurates international center for climate studies

The Climate Hub, a center dedicated to research on climate change, was inaugurated on Tuesday (Mar. 14). Located in the Museum of Tomorrow, in the port area of Rio de Janeiro, the center is a partnership between Columbia University, in the United States, and the municipality of Rio.
This is the tenth global office of the American university worldwide and will operate within the Columbia Global Center Rio.
The Climate Hub Rio will offer scholarships for Brazilian researchers and scientists to develop projects in the country and also at the university in New York. One of its goals is to attract talent related to studies on the impact of climate change in Brazil, and to promote the collaboration and dissemination of the work in the scientific community, and among global leaders.
Columbia Global Center Rio director Thomas Trebat pointed out that facing a climate crisis requires partnership and cooperation among people. "We are all together in this, citizens from all parts of the world. It is Brazil engaging again in climate issues," the director said.
Ambassador and special advisor to the country's president Celso Amorim emphasized that environment and climate are central themes of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s government. He cited, as examples of the resumption of this debate in Brazil, the reactivation of the Amazon Fund and the possibility of Brazil hosting COP30—the United Nations conference on climate.
National Secretary of Climate Change of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Ana Toni, who represented Minister Marina Silva, said: "We will start with deforestation, which is our biggest emission, but the themes of agriculture, energy, and transport cannot wait. On the contrary, they will have to be accelerated so that we can reach our goal and make this contribution to the world. Always ensuring that we have a low-carbon development model that is economically prosperous and socially fair.