Study suggests solutions to reduce impact of lionfish in Brazil

A study presented by the Brazilian Confederation of Fishing and Aquaculture Workers (CBPA) reveals the socio-economic and environmental threats and possible solutions to the impacts caused by the invasion of the Brazilian coast by the lionfish (Pterois volitans/miles).
This species, native to the Indo-Pacific region that extends from India to Oceania, was initially discovered in Brazil in 2014 as an isolated incident. However, since 2020, records of its presence have become recurrent, with sightings now reported in eight different Brazilian states.
According to environmental specialist Geovane Oliveira, who led the research, the lionfish is a species that has no predator in the waters off the Brazilian coast. It is highly adaptable, a voracious carnivore with a high reproductive capacity, and it is also venomous.
Because of these characteristics, it poses an environmental and socio-economic threat. It reproduces freely and, by preying on native species, reduces their populations, directly impacting those who rely on artisanal fishing for their livelihood.
Possible solutions
The study was delivered this week to the Ministry of Fishing and Aquaculture in Brasília, at a ceremony where data and possible solutions to the problem were presented.
"At first, several countries, including the United States and Caribbean regions, attempted to eradicate the lionfish but soon realized that, due to its inherent characteristics, this proved unfeasible. Therefore, the scientific community now firmly believes that maintaining control over the catch is the sole viable solution for mitigating its impact," explained Oliveira.
The document, handed over to Minister André de Paula of Fishing and Aquaculture, advocates for the implementation of a public policy encompassing the following key areas: the capture and extraction of lionfish, research and monitoring, a communication plan, and environmental education.
The actions, focused on the coastal region, have the main objective of engaging artisanal fishermen and local populations in the capture of the species and the future inclusion of the lionfish in a production chain, as well as preventing accidents with the fish's spines, which release poisonous toxins that cause painful injuries.
Model for Action
According to Abraão Lincoln, President of the CBPA, this action model has previously been implemented in other scenarios by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) to address invasive species.
"The idea is to join forces so that non-governmental organizations and the Brazilian government can act throughout the country to try to curb the predatory activities of these fish," said Lincoln.
Minister André de Paula emphasized the importance of the research, which will serve as a basis for drawing up public policies and which will also enable a broad campaign to publicize and raise awareness among fishermen and bathers.
"The CBPA is offering us a very consistent study, including a diagnosis of the situation and suggestions for actions that we can develop together. This partnership holds great significance, and we are fully committed to it," he concluded.