In Brazil, two-thirds of women murdered with firearms are Black

According to research from the Sou da Paz Institute titled "The Role of Firearms in Violence Against Women," 68.3 percent of women murdered with firearms in Brazil are Black. The study was based on records of violent deaths from the Ministry of Health for 2022 and historical data dating back to 2012.
The study highlights that an average of 2,200 women are shot every year, accounting for half of all female murders in the country. In 2022, 60 percent of the 1,900 female homicide victims recorded that year were between the ages of 20 and 39.
In 27 percent of cases where women were killed by firearms, the crime occurred inside the victim's own home. Among non-Black women, this rate rises to 34 percent. In comparison, among men killed by gunshot wounds, only 12 percent of cases took place in the victim's home.
In cases where the victim survived, at least 25 percent suspected that the aggressor was under the influence of alcohol. This percentage rises to 35 percent in situations that occurred inside the home. However, in 45 percent of the reports, there is no information on whether the aggressor had been drinking or not, which could conceal an even higher rate.
Based on the data, the study asserts that "firearms are a risk factor for violence, particularly homicidal violence." According to the study's conclusions, this type of weapon heightens the risk of death in cases of domestic violence or violence related to affective relationships.
The study also highlights that 43 percent of women murdered by firearms in 2022 were killed by someone close to them, such as intimate partners, friends, and family. "In a third of cases, the victim had already suffered other episodes of violence," the study adds.
The research underscores the importance of paying attention to victims who survive aggression, as there is a tendency for violence to be repeated.
In an effort to reduce the number of women murdered, the study points out that since 2021, the National Risk Assessment Form for Domestic Violence and Violence against Women has been established by law. This procedure aims to identify risk factors and support judicial decisions to protect victims. Among the evaluation criteria is the presence of previous threats involving firearms or the aggressor's access to such weaponry. In these cases, the risk classification should be the highest.