Rousseff reiterates focus on dialogue and says one should learn to lose

Chief of staff Aloizio Mercadante, President Dilma Rousseff, and PSD National President Gilberto Kassab, during the event at the Palácio do Planalto, the seat of the Brazilian government
On Wednesday (Nov 5), as part of the first official public event after President Dilma Rousseff's re-election, she once again referred to her focus on dialogue, originally announced following her victory at the polls. Rousseff stated that, in democracy “one should learn to win as well as to lose.” She once again declared that, now that the elections are over, it is necessary to dismantle raised platforms and promote dialogue in behalf of the changes the country needs.
“Any attempt at retaliation on the winner's part or resentment on the loser's part indicates a misconception about the democratic process. And what's more, it would generate a chaotic scenario in which the president elected on one side wouldn't negotiate with the governor elected by the other, a senator elected on one side wouldn't talk to another. It musn't be like this,” the president said during an open meeting with members of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) which reaffirmed their support to the government.
Rousseff acknowledged that the electoral campaign was marked by “emotions running high”, but reiterated that it is time to change the direction of the discussion and try to reach compromises. The president listed the goals for her second tenure: accelerating growth, curbing the inflation, and maintaining fiscal responsibility as well as the increase in employment, income and social inclusion.
According to Rousseff, these goals will be met through the articulation with the National Congress. “Changes will come as a result of the willingness, the work, and the articulation of the government, the parties in our coalition, and Congress—therefore also the coalition from the opposition.”
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: Rousseff reiterates focus on dialogue and says one should learn to lose