Workers' Party treasurer to step down
The directors' board of the Workers' Party (PT) released a note Wednesday (Apr 15) announcing that the party's Secretary for Finance and Planning João Vaccari Neto is to step down from his position as treasurer. According to the statement, the resignation was requested by Vaccari himself, and is due to “matters of practical and legal nature.”
Vaccari Neto had faced a preventive arrest on Wednesday in São Paulo, as part of the 12th phase of Operation Car Wash, launched by the Federal Police. He is suspected of taking kickbacks in a corruption scheme at Petrobras, but denies all allegations.
In the note, signed by PT head Rui Falcão, the arrest is described as unnecessary, and his innocence reaffirmed, “not only for his conduct before the National Secretariat of Finance and Planning, but also because, under the shield of the state of law, the fundamental principle according to which all are innocent until proven otherwise prevails.”
The PT further reported that Vaccari's defense lawyers are filing a write of habeas corpus in an attempt to have him released as quickly as possible. In the press release, the party shows compassion towards the treasurer and his family, and reiterates the confidence that the truth will eventually prevail. “The arrest of João Vaccari Neto is unjustified, as he had always shown willingness to collaborate with the authorities and make any clarifications deemed as necessary ever since the investigations started.”
Further reporting by Camila Boehm.
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: Workers' Party treasurer to step down