Opposition launches campaign against CPMF tax

Opposition parties such as the DEM, the PSDB, and the Solidariedade, as well as the PP, of the ruling coalition, launched today (Sep. 16) a campaign against raising the country's tax load. The campaign is entitled “Enough of taxes, away with the CPMF.”
The parties declared they will make internal arrangements to prevent the approval of any move from the government aimed at bringing back the levy. Their main target is the signal given by the government two days ago about a possible restitution of the CPMF as part of the economic package.
“We're clear on the fact that the country can't stand taxes anymore. It's enough. The solution to problems of lack of balance in the accounts comes with the slashing of the government apparatus and the government's structure, which became swollen under the PT's administration,” said Mendonça Filho, DEM head in the Chamber of Deputies.
In order to reverse the deficit estimated for 2016, the government's economic staff announced a reduction of $6.7 billion in the budget for next year. According to the presidency, the spending cuts, coupled with the set of plans aimed at raising revenues, will add up to $16.79 billion—funds raised by the reenactment of the CPMF included.
According to PSDB head in the lower house Carlos Sampaio, the movement launched in the Chamber of Deputies does not belong to opposition groups in the Legislative branch alone. “It's the feeling shared by the nation, which can't stand paying taxes anymore. To raise taxes, in the first place, the government should have credibility, and this government has neither internal nor international credibility. Secondly, society has to be aware that the government did its part and did not cut spending, and, thirdly, the government should have a solid base in this house, and it doesn't,” he said, adding that none of the “requirements” was met.
José Guimarães, the government's representative, has been stressing the presidency's position, stating that the measures are fair and bring the economy back into balance without taking away any of the rights of the Brazilian population. He argues that the CPMF levy is temporary and aims solely to cover the shortfall in the country's current economic landscape. Guimarães stated that the government “cut its own flesh” with the reduction of discretionary expenditures, seeking to reach a surplus of 0.7% of the country's GDP.
Translated by Fabrício Ferreira
Fonte: Opposition launches campaign against CPMF tax