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Rousseff shifts responsibility for investment-for-growth program to Lula

Introduced by then-president Lula in 2007, the Accelerated Growth
Paulo Victor Chagas reports from Agência Brasil
Published on 18/03/2016 - 08:15
Brasília - Presidenta Dilma Rousseff dá posse aos novos ministros da Casa Civil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva; da Justiça, Eugênio Aragão; da Secretaria de Aviação Civil, Mauro Lopes; e ao chefe do Gabinete Pessoal da Presidenta da República,
© Roberto Stuckert Filho/PR

President Dilma Rousseff has shifted managerial responsibility for the Accelerated Growth Program (PAC), the infrastructure-oriented program created during former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's administration—to the Office of the Chief of Staff, which has been headed by Lula since Thursday (17). Before becoming president, Dilma Rousseff was Chief of Staff and managed the program's execution, and President Lula used to call her “mother” of the PAC. Since 2011, when Dilma Rousseff took her first term of office as president, the program had been run by the Ministry of Planning, Budgeting, and Management. Now, this role has been handed back over to the Chief of Staff.

Introduced in 2007, the PAC is a set of economic policies designed to drive faster economic growth in Brazil. The program targeted investment areas with remarkable shortfalls including public housing, sanitation, roads, and urban mobility.

Rousseff has also handed over the responsibility for the Economic and Social Development Council (popularly known as the “Conselhão”, or “The Big Council”) to the head of the president's office, which was lifted to ministerial level on Thursday and entrusted to Jaques Wagner, the former Chief of Staff before Lula's recent appointment. The Conselhão, which was revived in January this year, brings together 92 representatives from the business sector and civil society.

Translated by Mayra Borges

Fonte: Rousseff shifts responsibility for investment-for-growth program to Lula