Brazil: Supreme Court can now investigate complaint against Senate's President

Senate's President Renan Calheiros
Supreme Court (STF) Justice Edson Fachin submitted this Tuesday (Oct. 4) to all members of the court a complaint against Senate's President Renan Calheiros, according to which he would have used a lobbyist from a construction firm to pay the alimony to a daughter born out of wedlock. The senator is also accused of having tampered with documents to justify the payments. He denies the allegations.
The complaint against Calheiros, member of the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB, which is the same party of President Michel Temer, is under deliberation at the Supreme Court since 2003. Now Chief Justice Cármen Lúcia will be responsible for setting a date to examine the case.
Calheiros, calm
Senate's President Renan Calheiros said all matters concerning the complaint against him at the Supreme Court related to his affair with journalist Mônica Veloso—with whom he had a daughter—"have already been explained." The senator seemed confident of being acquitted for lack of evidence.
"I am not worried about that. This complaint does not involve public money, these matters have already been explained, thoroughly explained. I have requested the investigation, I have revealed my secrets, so I have absolutely no concern about this, no concern," said the senator.
* With additional reporting by Mariana Jungman
Updated at 7:46
Translated by Amarílis Anchieta
Fonte: Brazil: Supreme Court can now investigate complaint against Senate's President