Temer tells investors that Brazil is on right track

President Michel Temer said the Brazilian economy has achieved good results because of measures taken and "not for the sake of chance, but because whoever plants responsibility reaps healthy indicators. "
Attending the opening of the 2017 Latin America Investment Conference this Tuesday (Jan. 31), in São Paulo, President Michel Temer said the Brazilian economy has achieved good results because of measures taken and "not for the sake of chance, but because whoever plants responsibility reaps healthy indicators. "
According to the president, the current administration inherited a "crisis of unprecedented proportions and 2016 was the year Brazil could not escape the meeting with tax truth."
"What we did was put Brazil back on track, compatible with the modern nation we are," he said.
Among the good results, the president cited the fall in inflation, the estimate that the 2016/2017 grain harvest will hold a record of 215 million tons, the significant increase in oil production, and the record electricity generation with 103 million megawatts/ hour produced in Itaipu Dam. Temer also mentioned the good relationship that the government has established with the National Congress. "When we took over, our administration began without impositions, we listened and proposed. So we resumed dialogue with the National Congress, achieving harmony among the branches. The support of the legislative branch is essential to establish the dialogue. "
Temer said that inflation was above 10%, the economic downtown was close to 8%, and nearly 12 million people were unemployed. He also said that the confrontation attitude adopted by the government allowed it to make realistic diagnoses of Brazil's problems and they clearly understood that taxes were at the origin of the crisis, in addition to a lack of control of public spending, which, according to him, had been ignored.
The president noted that the government tried to give transparency to public accounts and faced the primary deficit.
Social Security Reform
Temer defended the Social Security reform, under deliberation at the legislative branch, and favored the government spending cap, which comes into force this year, as essential measures to reverse the deficit. According to the president, the spending cap will not affect the resources earmarked for health and education sectors.
"We set the ceiling for government spending and we will gradually overturn the government deficit without affecting health and education sectors. I show you this year's Budget, which has been approved, and already takes into account the spending cap. It indicates that we have increased health and education funds."
President Michel Temer pointed out that he will not take populist measures, but rather popular measures that may cause difficulty at first, but will later benefit the people.
He noted that fiscal adjustment measures will not be fully adopted if the social security reform and the adequacy of labor laws are not implemented.
The president said that a productivity agenda was established for Brazil. "We have a productivity agenda for Brazil established on a transparent relationship between the government and private companies, giving legal security to investors interested in the country," he said.
Translated by Amarílis Anchieta
Fonte: Temer tells investors that Brazil is on right track