Ômicron: Anvisa asks for data on vaccines already authorized in the country

The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) reported on Wednesday (1) that it asked developers of vaccines against covid-19 authorized in Brazil for information on ongoing studies related to the new Ômicron variant. The request was sent to Pfizer, the Butantan Institute, the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) and Janssen.
“Anvisa requires, for authorized vaccines, that developers monitor and assess the impact of variants on the efficacy and effectiveness of immunizing agents. It should be noted, however, that these studies take time, as it is necessary to obtain genetic information and samples from patients, and then carry out the tests and analysis”, highlighted the agency.
performance tests
The companies developing the doses, according to Anvisa, will test the performance of vaccines against the new variant. The agency's expectation is that, in the coming weeks, data from the initial assessments will be available.
"Anvisa is committed to working together with the international authorities and the companies involved to allow updates to the vaccines, if necessary, to be carried out quickly, maintaining the profile of quality, efficacy and safety."
The agency warned that the time is for caution and that the best thing the population can do is to be vaccinated, or receive a booster from the immunizing agent, in addition to maintaining preventive measures such as the use of masks, hand hygiene and social distance .
"Current vaccines remain effective in preventing covid-19 and serious clinical outcomes, including hospitalization and death."
Text translated using artificial intelligence.