OAS commission calls for protection of Marielle Franco’s widow

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) of the Organization of American States (OAS) called for Brazil do adopt measures to protect Mônica Teresa Azeredo Benício, widow of Marielle Franco, the Rio de Janeiro city councilor killed on March 14. The decision was made on August 1 and was made public online Sunday (5).
Benício has been the target of threats, harassment, and persecution that may be linked to the murder of Franco, who was a human rights advocate. The commission argues that, even though the state has named mechanisms devised to protect human rights activists in the country, no such measure protects Mônica Benício.
The agency based its request on Article 25 of IACHR’s regulations in order to have the Brazilian government implement the necessary measures to protect Mônica Benício’s right to life and personal integrity, and to allow her to continue doing her work as an activist without facing threats or harassment.
The state is to come to an agreement with Benício and her representatives as to what measures should be implemented. The authorities must also report to the commission what has led to the need of such measures.
The Planalto presidential palace was contacted, and said the case will be taken care of by the Ministry of Human Rights, which in turn reported it has been in touch with other ministries, including the Foreign Ministry, in order to come up with a joint solution.