Brazil bans sale of iPhones without charger

The sale of iPhones without battery chargers has been banned across Brazil. The decision was published Tuesday (Sep 6) and comes as a response to a motion filed in December last year by consumer secretariat Senacon, linked to the country’s Ministry of Justice and Public Security.
The ministry has also fined Apple Computer Brasil BRL 12.2 million and ordered the cancellation of the registration of the brand’s smartphones starting with the iPhone12 model at national telecom authority Anatel.
Apple has been sued for selling smartphones, starting with the iPhone 12, without a charger for wall outlets. Accusations include tying, selling an incomplete product or a product lacking an essential feature, refusing to sell a complete product by discriminating against consumers, and transferring responsibility to third parties.
In its defense, Apple claimed that the decision not to provide battery chargers along with the phone devices was based on environmental concerns, and aimed at encouraging sustainable consumption. For Senacon, however, the arguments did not suffice, as the company’s decision to sell the devices without chargers ended up shifting the entire burden to consumers. According to the agency, the manufacturer could take other measures to reduce environmental impact, such as the use of USB-C type cable and charger connectors, adopted as standard by the industry today.
The secretariat also reported that, despite the fines imposed by consumer protection agencies in the states of Santa Catarina, São Paulo, Ceará, and Goiás, as well as court sentences, Apple has not taken any measures to minimize the damage and continues to sell smartphones without chargers. The authorities also note that other manufacturers have been sued and that they have presented proposals for a solution.
“Should the company persist in its infractions, Apple may be considered a repeat offender and new, even more serious penalties may be enforced,” the Ministry of Justice declared. The organization may still appeal the decision.
Contacted by Agência Brasil, Apple had not made any comments on the matter as of the publication of this article.