Gov’t prohibits contracts with companies involved in pro-coup acts

Brazil’s Federal Attorney General's Office has declared that any organization or individual found to be involved in anti-democratic acts will be prohibited from entering into contracts with the Brazilian Federal Public Administration. The federal government is committed to enforcing this policy.
In a document approved by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the Attorney General's Office argues that such offensive acts are highly reprehensible in Brazilian legislation and are incompatible with constitutional principles.
A period of five years has been set for the Federal Public Administration to file lawsuits against companies and individuals involved in the acts, from the time they become aware of the fact. After the end of the accountability process, hiring can be vetoed for a period of three to six years.
Pro-coup Acts
The Attorney General's Office also filed a lawsuit requesting that the financiers of the anti-democratic acts of January 8 be ordered to pay BRL 100 million for collective moral damages.
According to the office, the lawsuit involves 54 individuals, three companies, one association, and one union. They are being sued for material damage estimated at BRL 20 million, for financing the chartering of buses to transport the rioters to Brasilia.