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Survey shows 32% describe Bolsonaro gov’t as great or good

The same proportion refers to his administration as poor or terrible
Jonas Valente
Published on 28/06/2019 - 15:40
O presidente Jair Bolsonaro durante a 27ª edição da Marcha para Jesus, em São Paulo.
© Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil
O presidente Jair Bolsonaro durante a 27ª edição da Marcha para Jesus, em São Paulo.
© Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil

A survey released Thursday (Jun 27) by Brazil’s National Confederation of Industry (CNI) shows that 32 percent of respondents describe the government of President Jair Bolsonaro as great or good. The same proportion refers to the current administration as OK and another 32 percent as poor or terrible. Of the total, three percent said they did not know, or did not answer.

Two thousand people were heard from June 20 to 25 in 126 cities across Brazil.

The president’s approval rate is lower than in the previous survey, from April this year, when the government was considered great or good by 35 percent. In the research, 31 percent classified the administration as OK, and 27 percent as poor or terrible. Seven percent did not answer.

The reduction was more conspicuous among people who completed 4th grade, have low income, live in the North, the Northeast, and the Central-West, and among women.

Governing style

Bolsonaro’s governing style was approved of by 46 percent of interviewees and disapproved of by 48 percent. In the April poll, 51 percent approved of the president’s governing style, against 40 percent who disapproved of it.

The survey also gauged people’s confidence in the head of state: 51 percent said they do not trust the president, compared to 46 percent who do. As for the rest of his term of office, 39 percent believe it will be good or great, 27 percent said OK, and 29 percent said poor or terrible.

In the previous study, the president’s confidence stood at 51 percent, with 45 percent answering they do not trust him. As for the rest of his mandate, 45 percent said they had good or great expectations.

Results across areas

The areas with the best rates were public security (54%), environment (46%), curbing inflation (45%), fighting hunger and poverty (43%). The lowest rates, in turn, were reported for interest (59%), taxes (61%), health care (56%), and fighting unemployment (54%).