Rio de Janeiro launches guide with tips to protect tourists

Brazilian and foreign tourists can now count on a support tool launched on Monday (Jan. 23) by the Consumer Protection and Defense Program from Rio de Janeiro state - Procon-RJ. It is a guide with updated legislation, which brings tips about means of transportation, lodging, bars, restaurants, services, and the Consumer Defense Code (CDC).
It includes, for example, instructions on means of payment for public and private transportation, guidance in cases of cancellation or delay of flights or buses, and warnings about the need to observe the amount typed in the credit card machine when making a payment. The manual is available in three languages (Portuguese, English and Spanish) and can be accessed via this link It will also be distributed in printed form at the main tourist access ways to the state of Rio.
The measure was taken because, during this vacation period, a greater number of tourists is expected. The goal is to make the stay of these visitors in Rio de Janeiro more pleasant and safer, Procon-RJ head Cássio Coelho said.
Besides the guide, the Consumer Program has a working group in charge of assisting Brazilian and foreign tourist consumers called ProconTur. During the high season, ProconTur will deal with complaints by phone numbers (21) 9937-19647 and (21) 9933-28289, and by the e-mail address, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. On Carnival days, a special duty roster will be set up, as well as during the main events throughout the year.